Evangelical Orthodoxy

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Tolerance Car

I was driving behind on of those "tolerance cars" this afternoon. You know, the kind with all the cutesy bumper-stickers about peace, love, and relativism, war, puppies and abortion. It actually had a interesting bumper sticker that had "Coexist," but each letter was a religious symbol. Something like this.

But then, I noticed the car also had one of those Icthus-mocking "Darwin" symbols. And I thought, how very tolerant. How very Left and tolerant to bastardize a benign religious symbol. I am sure that if one took a Muslim symbol and perverted it to make a silly point, Ms. Tolerance would be in an uproar. I guess I never realized how offensive I think those symbols are. It is not that I have problem with someone having faith in Darwin, I just do not like them being so intolerant and mocking of my symbol. Oh, hypocrisy. Got to love it.


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