Scattershooting ...
Scattershooting while wondering why we drape our own desires in the will of God ...
... why God never calls unattractive girls to be that guy's wife ... I have friends who have gone to little Baptist colleges, and they often get the sudden (from guys they barely know): "God spoke to me and said He created you to be my wife." This is before the first date; funny, it only happens to my really cute friends ...
... why God never calls a preacher to a smaller church. One might think that it was the little, struggling churches that need the best preachers and that the big, rich churches could survive with less than best ...
... why God never calls a preacher to plant a church in the declining part of town. When I hear about "God called me to plant this church," the church always seems to be in the fastest-growing, richest and most-overserved-by-churches area ... I guess the poor people do not need the Gospel ...
... why God always tells search committees to call the guy whose preaching they like the best ... because I served a small church without great recording equipment, I do not have a plethora of tapes (and no CDs), but churches always ask for a "newer sermon" ... I guess God did not hear the old ones ...
The point of my little exercise is how often we do things in our own self interest but feel the need to "spiritualize" those actions. Why can't we just say "I like petite, cute blondes" ... or I want to start a ministry and make sure there are plenty of potential church members with plenty of money to support my goals .... or I want to make more money and have a "more successful" ministry ... or "we want a pastor who preaches a certain way and fits a certain profile" ...
I just wish we would be more authentic and honest and not try to wrap our own failings inside the will of God.