Evangelical Orthodoxy

Politics, News, Faith, Fun

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I read this quotation in an article on the SBC news service:
"All denominations are active creatures, but dustups between feuding factions resemble modern political conventions so much that observers rightly dismiss denominations as simply playgrounds for wannabe politicians who eschew the field of politics as "too dirty," finding denominational life a more suitable theater for their brand of political hardball."
I thought it really was interesting. I think the fact that I have noticed what the author describes is one reason church life does not always sit well with me. So many pastors seem one step away from politicians or salesmen. I know that is a broad-painting indictment, but I thought the quote had some merit.

I would recommend the article. If you can get past all the Piper-inspired "glory" lines, he makes some good points.


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