Evangelical Orthodoxy

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Monday, December 10, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

Is Al Gore Jr. an environmental evangelist or a savvy businessman? Will Baptists across the U.S. pick up the $175,000 tab for Gore Jr. to speak at the Atlanta meeting? If so, would this money not better be spent on feeding the poor or spreading the Gospel?

The former Vice President has had quite the financial windfall since leaving office in 2000. He turned his invention of the Internet into multi-million-dollar stock options at Google and Apple, and he makes even more speaking - for $175,000 a pop. It is ironic that the global warming guru flies around the country burning loads of fossil fuels to earn six-figure one-night stands. Already a millionaire many times over, if Gore Jr. cares so much about the environment, why not do it for free?

I do not begrudge the former veep for turning his fame, or infamy, into cash; but let's realize that next time he tells us how much he is concerned about the environment. Clearly he's green one way or the other.


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