It is about a month out, and I still am undecided. I probably will vote Libertarian. I do not like McCain's foreign policy, and I think Obama is unqualified. Philosophically, I am closer to the McCain middle than the extreme left of Obama. I fear both offer just more of the same. At least McCain warned of the impending crisis of Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae while Obama counts former Freddie/Fannie execuitves as economic advisers.
I really have become a single-issue voter: BALANCE THE BUDGET! I am convinced, neither will. McCain will pour more money down the Iraq black hole while Obama wants to double our payout to third-world dictators. I really do want change, but Washington does not. It wants just more of the same.
Blasphemy, but I think Sarah Palin offers the only fresh voice or potential change among the four. Unfortunately, the media began ruthlessly crucifying her the second she was announced, so I am confident she did not get a fair shake - at least fair in the sense of the same standard applied to the other guys.
Alas ...
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