Evangelical Orthodoxy

Politics, News, Faith, Fun

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Bad Day for the Religious Right

In the span of one week, the Religious Right lost not only one of its (apparently) key leaders but also lost its power base. Yesterday, Democrats slaughtered the GOP and took control of Congress.

In many ways, both of these events are related and related to Lord Acton: absolute power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Both Haggard and the GOP were seduced by the power of power. While swept into power twelve years ago and reformers pledged to cleanse the Congress of corruption and bloat ... now it has become the party of corruption and bloat. And it was justly punished.

While I do not talk politics too often here, it fascinates me. On the grand scale, I tend to be more conservative than liberal - I believe in personal responsibility, limited government control, and local control. However, the GOP lost its focus on limited government. Additionally, the party of "family values" and conservative politics seems to have abandoned both with Jack Abramoff and briges to nowhere.


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