Evangelical Orthodoxy

Politics, News, Faith, Fun

Thursday, December 07, 2006


My friend Chris asked me to blog about GodMen, which I will do as soon as I finishe skinning this bear.


At 2:46 PM, Blogger Chris Ellis said...

did you wrestle it first? :)

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Meg said...

Since according to GodMen cursing is perfectly fine and normal, let me respond to that article with "What the *&+=%$, are they thinking?" (I had to clean that up because I realized that perhaps it's really just ok for men to curse b/c they all have all that testosterone. We women never get upset or aggressive). What about that guy who ran off and left his wife alone with an infant for the weekend b/c "He's pretty sure his wife will come around once she recognizes he's modeling his life after Jesus', like a good Christian should." Yeah buddy, that's really Christ-like, very servant like of you to leave your wife with all the work! Kudos! And what about the complaint about the feminization of churches because of the decor? Well, that couldn't possibly be because most of the men were probably too lazy to get up and actually do the work, is it?

That whole movement gets my "testosterone" going. Hey, I'm all for honesty about struggles, but a lot of what they're condoning as "manliness" doesn't seem Christian to me at all. It seems like selfishness, laziness, aggression, and a blatant power play. That article really should be titled "Godliness is next to Manliness" rather than the other way around b/c it sure sounds like the manliness is what is being stressed and the Godliness is being redefined according to those terms.

Later I will have calmed down enough to discuss how perhaps one of the roots of the problem is that we've labeled some really great Christian characteristics as "feminine" or as "getting in touch with the feminine side," and thus made them unappealing to "macho men." I'll be more balance and reasonable then, but for now, I just want to go out and shoot some paintball guns about anyone wearing a GodMen T-shirt.


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