Evangelical Orthodoxy

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Stop Down for a Pet Peeve

Okay, I'm going to get in trouble with my one female fan ... two things converge in this post that irritate me - the butchering of the English language (and social decorum in general) and the wussification/feminization of American.

My wife and I are expecting a baby; but, we are not pregnant. Despite the sizable gut that hangs over my shoes, it is all fat no baby. We are not pregnant. She is pregnant. This "we're pregnant" irritates me. One, it simply is factually incorrect. Pregnancy is a medical term describing a state of zygote/fetal gestation. Only women and Arnold Schwartzenegger can become pregnant. So in not case are "we pregnant" when speaking of couples, yes even lesbians (unless each is pregnant simultaneously). "We are expecting a baby" however. I certainly am expecting a baby to arrive in August and not Chinese food or pizza.

I think this is the continual wussification of men whereby they get sucked into all this feminine mystique ... I do not know if this is correct, but I know we're not pregnant.


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